- Transcript
Video transcript: MIT Community Message from President Kornbluth
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Hello, everyone.
As you surely know, campus communities across the country are struggling to cope with strongly contending views on the war in the Middle East – and MIT is too.
So I want to let you know what I see here, and…
- Letter to the Community
New vice president for research Ian Waitz
Dear members of the MIT community,
I write to share the news that Vice Chancellor Ian A. Waitz, the Jerome C. Hunsaker Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, has agreed to become MIT’s next vice president for research (VPR). He will begin a five-year term…
- Letter to the Community
AI Impact Papers: Preprints of Round 1
Dear members of the MIT community,
Last fall, Provost Barnhart and I were delighted to provide more than two dozen research teams from across MIT with seed funds to develop impact papers that would articulate effective roadmaps, policy…
- Letter to the Community
Edward B. Roberts (1935–2024)
Dear members of the MIT community,
I write to let you know of the passing of an MIT icon: Professor Ed Roberts '58, SM '58, SM '60, PhD '62, who died Tuesday morning after an illness.
As an academic, Ed set records for speed – at 33, the youngest person…
- Transcript
Video transcript: Actions related to a student organization
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Good afternoon, everyone.
Before the start of this semester, in a letter to the whole community and one directly to students, we were very clear about the rules of the road regarding campus demonstrations.…,
- Letter to the Community
Announcing the Climate Project at MIT
Dear members of the MIT community,
At my inauguration, echoing a sentiment I heard everywhere on my campus listening tour, I called on the people of MIT to come together in new ways to marshal a bold, tenacious response to the run-away crisis of climate…