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Photos & Videos

  • MIT delta v Demo Day 2023: President Kornbluth welcomes all to Demo Day (photo by Justin Knight).  

  • Incoming MIT students surprise President Kornbluth with a life-sized Barbie-themed phone booth. President Kornbluth enjoys a good laugh and pair of new pink shades as she explores the projects reflections on social norms and the booth's illusion of infinite space travel (photo by Bryce Vickmark). 

  • Chancellor Melissa Nobles and President Kornbluth celebrate with MIT's incoming students at the Convocation ceremony (photo by Bryce Vickmark).

  • At her first MIT Convocation ceremony, President Kornbluth joins The Chorallaries of MIT in singing the school song, "In Praise of MIT" (photo by Bryce Vickmark).  

  • President Kornbluth shares her thoughts on the Supreme Court ruling on the consideration of race in university admissions, MIT's mission, and diversity.

  • Welcome to MIT! Chancellor Melissa Nobles and President Kornbluth pose with some members of the MIT Class of 2027 (photo by Bryce Vickmark).